
The primary cause of the rising global temperature and more extreme weather being caused by humans is well understood at this point. Fossil fuel companies have extracted immense wealth from people by ignoring and actively downplaying their impacts on the climate and are holding on to the status quo for as long as they can.

What are some of the things that individuals can do to improve things?

Further reading on what you can do.

Yeah but...


Isn't vegan food just as bad for the environment? No, no, still no.

Isn't it soy that takes up most of our farmland? No.

Isn't shipping vegetables across the globe creating way more emissions than locally farmed beef anyway? No.

Power grid

Won't the grid struggle with all these electric cars?

No, and see How Electric Vehicles can support the grid for why.

Related: Why is controlled load not enabled at midday?

The grid is powered by coal anyway, is that really better than gas?

Don't electric cars have a very short range?

Aren't electric cars too expensive?

Don't lithum batteries use so much of rare minerals we're better off not making them?

Simply put, the answer to all of these is no, or yes but that doesn't mean what you think it means. As I get time to write about each of them I'll update here with references.

Where can I learn more?

Simon Clark

PhD in theoretical atmospheric physics, climate science communicator.

Engineering with Rosie

PhD in wind turbine design, engineering and sustainability communicator

Everything Electric Show

Videos on renewable energy, electric cars, and energy efficiency technology. Regularly gets guest experts in to present.

See Also

I really like this EEA report on seeing ourselves as part of nature.